Friday, November 18, 2011

iGot'em mentioned in the Silicon Caribe

A new US$3,99 iPhone app, titled iGot’em, will empower citizens and reduce crime and allow users to combat crime within their communities by uploading a recorded incident to the nearest law enforcement office. The application will notify law enforcement of the date, time, and location of the crime in progress. It was produced by Sharon Hodge, Trafalgar Solutions and former Caribbean resident.
The combination of this information along with the general images taken by users will allow accurate reporting, while protecting the identity of the user. Hodge credits her creative spirit and her love for the Caribbean to iGot’em. Born in Dallas, Texas, and raised in the heart of South Central Los Angeles, she is no stranger to crime. “Where I grew up, crime was rampant, protection was light, and citizens were too afraid to come forward. This same behaviour exists in countries throughout the world,” said Hodge.
Living in the Caribbean’s with her husband, remnant fears from her childhood brought an automatic sense of awareness and the will to fight for change.“By freeing citizens from the fear of retaliation, we might be able to catch some of our most violent offenders,” she said.
iGot’em is available for purchase through iTunes. Smart phone devices such as the Android and Blackberry will be added in the near future.
Source: CaribbeanNewsNow

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